[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-1811?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]
Andi Huber updated ISIS-1811:
Migration Notes:
* @MemberGroupLayout was removed
* Axon Eventbus Plugin: switching from axon 2.x to 3.x which involves that axon's *EventHandler* annotation has moved: org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation.EventHandler -> org.axonframework.eventhandling.EventHandler
* _IsisMatchers_ is no longer part of the 'core' API, but still available within test-scope.
* _Ensure_ as part of the 'core' API now accepts Java Predicates instead of hamcrest Matchers
* deployment types SERVER_EXPLORATION, UNIT_TESTING have been removed
* Some ways of setting the DeploymentType (using web.xml or WebServer cmd-line flags -t or --type) have been removed. Instead running in PROTOTYPING (exemplified with Jetty) can be done in following ways:
export PROTOTYPING=true ; mvn jetty:run
mvn -DPROTOTYPING=true jetty:run
mvn -Disis.deploymentType=PROTOTYPING jetty:run
We also introduced a SPI to customize this behavior. This issue is tracked by https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-1991
* web.xml: no longer required to install listeners, filters and servlets; but is still required to configure the welcome page; _org.apache.isis.core.webapp.IsisWebAppContextListener_ acts as the single application entry-point to setup the dynamic part of the ServletContext.
** ResourceCachingFilter is now configured via annotations (Servlet 3.0 spec), no longer needed to be declared in web.xml
** ResourceServlet is now configured via annotations (Servlet 3.0 spec), no longer needed to be declared in web.xml
** IsisTransactionFilterForRestfulObjects is now configured via annotations (Servlet 3.0 spec), no longer needed to be declared in web.xml
** webjars Servlet was removed, no longer needed to be declared in web.xml
** Shiro Environment, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
** Wicket Environment, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
** RestEasy Environment, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
** IsisSessionFilter is now part of the RestEasy WebModule, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
** LogOnExceptionLogger, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
* web.xml apart from the new WebContextListener we introduce new web-specific (optional) config values, nothing else needs to configured here:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_1.xsd"
id="WebApp_ID" version="3.1">
<display-name>My App</display-name>
<!-- unique bootstrapping entry-point for web-applications -->
<!-- optional for overriding default 'wicket' -->
<!-- optional for overriding default 'org.apache.isis.viewer.wicket.viewer.IsisWicketApplication' -->
<!-- optional for overriding default 'restful' -->
* module 'shiro' moved from `/core` to `/core/plugins` and its maven artifactId changed, to be in line with the other core-plugins:
* ObjectAdapter is no longer holding a reference to an ObjectSpecification for the element type of collections. ObjectAdapter#getElementSpecification() moved to ObjectSpecification#getElementSpecification().
* ServicesInjector does now implement interface ServiceRegistry, where the service lookup method changed:
// previous
<T> T lookupService(final Class<T> serviceClass);
// new with 2.0.0-M2
<T> Optional<T> lookupService(final Class<T> serviceClass);
* We do now provide JAXB XmlAdapters for Java built-in temporal types in 'applib': org.apache.isis.applib.adapters.JaxbAdapters
* Wicket-Viewer: Instead of browser built-in tooltip rendering, the framework now provides tooltips using Javascript and CSS, currently with following stylesheet defaults:
.ui-tooltip {
max-width: 300px;
background-color: WhiteSmoke;
text-align: center;
padding: 5px 10px;
border-radius: 4px;
font-size: 12px;
box-shadow: 0 0 7px black;
position: absolute;
z-index: 9999;
label.isis-component-with-tooltip, .isis-component-with-tooltip label, strong.isis-component-with-tooltip {
text-decoration: underline dashed;
.ui-helper-hidden-accessible { display:none; } /* accessibility support disabled */
* Rest Viewer: The content negotiation parameter 'suppress' does now allow more control on which '$$..' properties one wants to suppress. New options are
public static enum SuppressionType {
/** suppress '$$RO', RO Spec representation*/
/** suppress '$$href', hyperlink to the representation*/
/** suppress '$$instanceId', instance id of the domain object*/
/** suppress '$$domainType', object spec of the domain object */
/** suppress '$$title', title of the domain object*/
/** suppress all '$$...' entries*/
where these are case-insensitive and may be combined to a comma-separated set.
Eg. to suppress $$title and $$href one could simply request
We do not break the previous behavior with 'suppress=true' being equivalent to 'suppress=ro'
* Adds a new JAX-RS 2.0 compliant RestfulClient to core-applib:
Client-Side Setup:
Synchronous example with Basic-Auth:
RestfulClientConfig clientConfig = new RestfulClientConfig();
// setup basic-auth
RestfulClient client = RestfulClient.ofConfig(clientConfig);
Builder request = client.request(
Entity<String> args = client.arguments()
.addActionParameter("id", "12345")
Response response = request.post(args);
ResponseDigest<MyObject> digest = client.digest(response, MyObject.class);
if(digest.isSuccess()) {
System.out.println("result: "+ digest.get().get$$instanceId());
} else {
Asynchronous example with Basic-Auth:
RestfulClientConfig clientConfig = new RestfulClientConfig();
// setup basic-auth
RestfulClient client = RestfulClient.ofConfig(clientConfig);
Builder request = client.request(
Entity<String> args = client.arguments()
.addActionParameter("id", "12345")
Future<Response> asyncResponse = request
CompletableFuture<ResponseDigest<MyObject>> digestFuture =
client.digest(asyncResponse, MyObject.class);
ResponseDigest<MyObject> digest = digestFuture.get(); // blocking
if(digest.isSuccess()) {
System.out.println("result: "+ digest.get().get$$instanceId());
} else {
* Support for concurrent computation within an open session utilizing a ForkJoinPool
Supplier<T> computation = ()->doSomeComputation();
CompletableFuture<T> completableFuture = IsisContext.compute(computation);
T result = completableFuture.get(); // blocking call
Migration Notes:
* @MemberGroupLayout was removed
* Axon Eventbus Plugin: switching from axon 2.x to 3.x which involves that axon's *EventHandler* annotation has moved: org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation.EventHandler -> org.axonframework.eventhandling.EventHandler
* _IsisMatchers_ is no longer part of the 'core' API, but still available within test-scope.
* _Ensure_ as part of the 'core' API now accepts Java Predicates instead of hamcrest Matchers
* deployment types SERVER_EXPLORATION, UNIT_TESTING have been removed
* web.xml: no longer required to install listeners, filters and servlets; but is still required to configure the welcome page; _org.apache.isis.core.webapp.IsisWebAppContextListener_ acts as the single application entry-point to setup the dynamic part of the ServletContext.
** ResourceCachingFilter is now configured via annotations (Servlet 3.0 spec), no longer needed to be declared in web.xml
** ResourceServlet is now configured via annotations (Servlet 3.0 spec), no longer needed to be declared in web.xml
** IsisTransactionFilterForRestfulObjects is now configured via annotations (Servlet 3.0 spec), no longer needed to be declared in web.xml
** webjars Servlet was removed, no longer needed to be declared in web.xml
** Shiro Environment, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
** Wicket Environment, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
** RestEasy Environment, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
** IsisSessionFilter is now part of the RestEasy WebModule, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
** LogOnExceptionLogger, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
* web.xml apart from the new WebContextListener we introduce new web-specific (optional) config values, nothing else needs to configured here:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_1.xsd"
id="WebApp_ID" version="3.1">
<display-name>My App</display-name>
<!-- unique bootstrapping entry-point for web-applications -->
<!-- optional for overriding default 'wicket' -->
<!-- optional for overriding default 'org.apache.isis.viewer.wicket.viewer.IsisWicketApplication' -->
<!-- optional for overriding default 'restful' -->
* module 'shiro' moved from `/core` to `/core/plugins` and its maven artifactId changed, to be in line with the other core-plugins:
* All previously available ways of setting the DeploymentType (using web.xml, isis.deploymentType or WebServer cmd-line flags -t or --type) are discouraged. Instead this is solely done now be specifying an environment variable `PROTOTYPING=true` or not. However, if there are use-cases that require a different approach, we might extend the API. Tracked by https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-1991
* ObjectAdapter is no longer holding a reference to an ObjectSpecification for the element type of collections. ObjectAdapter#getElementSpecification() moved to ObjectSpecification#getElementSpecification().
* ServicesInjector does now implement interface ServiceRegistry, where the service lookup method changed:
// previous
<T> T lookupService(final Class<T> serviceClass);
// new with 2.0.0-M2
<T> Optional<T> lookupService(final Class<T> serviceClass);
* We do now provide JAXB XmlAdapters for Java built-in temporal types in 'applib': org.apache.isis.applib.adapters.JaxbAdapters
* Wicket-Viewer: Instead of browser built-in tooltip rendering, the framework now provides tooltips using Javascript and CSS, currently with following stylesheet defaults:
.ui-tooltip {
max-width: 300px;
background-color: WhiteSmoke;
text-align: center;
padding: 5px 10px;
border-radius: 4px;
font-size: 12px;
box-shadow: 0 0 7px black;
position: absolute;
z-index: 9999;
label.isis-component-with-tooltip, .isis-component-with-tooltip label, strong.isis-component-with-tooltip {
text-decoration: underline dashed;
.ui-helper-hidden-accessible { display:none; } /* accessibility support disabled */
* Rest Viewer: The content negotiation parameter 'suppress' does now allow more control on which '$$..' properties one wants to suppress. New options are
public static enum SuppressionType {
/** suppress '$$RO', RO Spec representation*/
/** suppress '$$href', hyperlink to the representation*/
/** suppress '$$instanceId', instance id of the domain object*/
/** suppress '$$domainType', object spec of the domain object */
/** suppress '$$title', title of the domain object*/
/** suppress all '$$...' entries*/
where these are case-insensitive and may be combined to a comma-separated set.
Eg. to suppress $$title and $$href one could simply request
We do not break the previous behavior with 'suppress=true' being equivalent to 'suppress=ro'
* Adds a new JAX-RS 2.0 compliant RestfulClient to core-applib:
Client-Side Setup:
Synchronous example with Basic-Auth:
RestfulClientConfig clientConfig = new RestfulClientConfig();
// setup basic-auth
RestfulClient client = RestfulClient.ofConfig(clientConfig);
Builder request = client.request(
Entity<String> args = client.arguments()
.addActionParameter("id", "12345")
Response response = request.post(args);
ResponseDigest<MyObject> digest = client.digest(response, MyObject.class);
if(digest.isSuccess()) {
System.out.println("result: "+ digest.get().get$$instanceId());
} else {
Asynchronous example with Basic-Auth:
RestfulClientConfig clientConfig = new RestfulClientConfig();
// setup basic-auth
RestfulClient client = RestfulClient.ofConfig(clientConfig);
Builder request = client.request(
Entity<String> args = client.arguments()
.addActionParameter("id", "12345")
Future<Response> asyncResponse = request
CompletableFuture<ResponseDigest<MyObject>> digestFuture =
client.digest(asyncResponse, MyObject.class);
ResponseDigest<MyObject> digest = digestFuture.get(); // blocking
if(digest.isSuccess()) {
System.out.println("result: "+ digest.get().get$$instanceId());
} else {
* Support for concurrent computation within an open session utilizing a ForkJoinPool
Supplier<T> computation = ()->doSomeComputation();
CompletableFuture<T> completableFuture = IsisContext.compute(computation);
T result = completableFuture.get(); // blocking call
Post by Dan Haywood (JIRA)Release tasks for 2.0.0-M2
Key: ISIS-1811
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-1811
Project: Isis
Issue Type: Task
Reporter: Dan Haywood
Assignee: Dan Haywood
Priority: Major
Fix For: 2.0.0-M2
* Axon Eventbus Plugin: switching from axon 2.x to 3.x which involves that axon's *EventHandler* annotation has moved: org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation.EventHandler -> org.axonframework.eventhandling.EventHandler
* _IsisMatchers_ is no longer part of the 'core' API, but still available within test-scope.
* _Ensure_ as part of the 'core' API now accepts Java Predicates instead of hamcrest Matchers
* deployment types SERVER_EXPLORATION, UNIT_TESTING have been removed
export PROTOTYPING=true ; mvn jetty:run
mvn -DPROTOTYPING=true jetty:run
mvn -Disis.deploymentType=PROTOTYPING jetty:run
We also introduced a SPI to customize this behavior. This issue is tracked by https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-1991
* web.xml: no longer required to install listeners, filters and servlets; but is still required to configure the welcome page; _org.apache.isis.core.webapp.IsisWebAppContextListener_ acts as the single application entry-point to setup the dynamic part of the ServletContext.
** ResourceCachingFilter is now configured via annotations (Servlet 3.0 spec), no longer needed to be declared in web.xml
** ResourceServlet is now configured via annotations (Servlet 3.0 spec), no longer needed to be declared in web.xml
** IsisTransactionFilterForRestfulObjects is now configured via annotations (Servlet 3.0 spec), no longer needed to be declared in web.xml
** webjars Servlet was removed, no longer needed to be declared in web.xml
** Shiro Environment, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
** Wicket Environment, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
** RestEasy Environment, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
** IsisSessionFilter is now part of the RestEasy WebModule, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
** LogOnExceptionLogger, no longer needs to be declared in web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_1.xsd"
id="WebApp_ID" version="3.1">
<display-name>My App</display-name>
<!-- unique bootstrapping entry-point for web-applications -->
<!-- optional for overriding default 'wicket' -->
<!-- optional for overriding default 'org.apache.isis.viewer.wicket.viewer.IsisWicketApplication' -->
<!-- optional for overriding default 'restful' -->
* ObjectAdapter is no longer holding a reference to an ObjectSpecification for the element type of collections. ObjectAdapter#getElementSpecification() moved to ObjectSpecification#getElementSpecification().
// previous
<T> T lookupService(final Class<T> serviceClass);
// new with 2.0.0-M2
<T> Optional<T> lookupService(final Class<T> serviceClass);
* We do now provide JAXB XmlAdapters for Java built-in temporal types in 'applib': org.apache.isis.applib.adapters.JaxbAdapters
.ui-tooltip {
max-width: 300px;
background-color: WhiteSmoke;
text-align: center;
padding: 5px 10px;
border-radius: 4px;
font-size: 12px;
box-shadow: 0 0 7px black;
position: absolute;
z-index: 9999;
label.isis-component-with-tooltip, .isis-component-with-tooltip label, strong.isis-component-with-tooltip {
text-decoration: underline dashed;
.ui-helper-hidden-accessible { display:none; } /* accessibility support disabled */
* Rest Viewer: The content negotiation parameter 'suppress' does now allow more control on which '$$..' properties one wants to suppress. New options are
public static enum SuppressionType {
/** suppress '$$RO', RO Spec representation*/
/** suppress '$$href', hyperlink to the representation*/
/** suppress '$$instanceId', instance id of the domain object*/
/** suppress '$$domainType', object spec of the domain object */
/** suppress '$$title', title of the domain object*/
/** suppress all '$$...' entries*/
where these are case-insensitive and may be combined to a comma-separated set.
Eg. to suppress $$title and $$href one could simply request
We do not break the previous behavior with 'suppress=true' being equivalent to 'suppress=ro'
RestfulClientConfig clientConfig = new RestfulClientConfig();
// setup basic-auth
RestfulClient client = RestfulClient.ofConfig(clientConfig);
Builder request = client.request(
Entity<String> args = client.arguments()
.addActionParameter("id", "12345")
Response response = request.post(args);
ResponseDigest<MyObject> digest = client.digest(response, MyObject.class);
if(digest.isSuccess()) {
System.out.println("result: "+ digest.get().get$$instanceId());
} else {
RestfulClientConfig clientConfig = new RestfulClientConfig();
// setup basic-auth
RestfulClient client = RestfulClient.ofConfig(clientConfig);
Builder request = client.request(
Entity<String> args = client.arguments()
.addActionParameter("id", "12345")
Future<Response> asyncResponse = request
CompletableFuture<ResponseDigest<MyObject>> digestFuture =
client.digest(asyncResponse, MyObject.class);
ResponseDigest<MyObject> digest = digestFuture.get(); // blocking
if(digest.isSuccess()) {
System.out.println("result: "+ digest.get().get$$instanceId());
} else {
* Support for concurrent computation within an open session utilizing a ForkJoinPool
Supplier<T> computation = ()->doSomeComputation();
CompletableFuture<T> completableFuture = IsisContext.compute(computation);
T result = completableFuture.get(); // blocking call
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA